okokPhone comes with multi language support out of the box.

However you may not find the language you would like.

Learn how to make your own translation with nearly no work.

  1. Open okokPhone/locales

  2. copy paste en.json and rename it to your language’s locale

    1. You can find your locale code here: https://www.w3.org/International/O-charset-lang.html
  3. Now copy everything inside en.json and paste it here https://translate.i18next.com/

    1. input en on the left field
    2. input your target locale on the right field
    3. click on the middle button to convert (it takes a few minutes)


  4. Now copy the translated code into your new locale.json file.

  5. Open config.lua and change the locale to your new file’s name


  1. Restart okokPhone

Finished 🎉